A Life Worth Living Helen Duyvestyn A Life Worth Living Helen Duyvestyn

Going Solo

Have there been times in your life, when the lack of friend/companion to take part in an activity resulted in you not doing something you really wanted to do? Wanted to got to a concert, movie, walk, hike - but not having anyone to go along with stopped you from going?

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Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

Anxiety and how to beat it

Have you ever suffered from butterflies in your stomach? A feeling of dread? Sweaty palms? Feeling that you are struggling to get a breath? Feeling nauseous? Or a general feeling of being on edge, startling easily?

Most of us have experienced this feeling at some point in our life. Usually brought about by being asked to speak publically, awaiting a job interview or waiting for life changing good or bad news. It's normal, it serves a function and we wouldn't be human without it.

But what do we do when it's seems to stay? When the feeling appears to come on for no reason and then doesn't leave us?

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Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

The Gift of Giving

Want to be a little happier? Start Giving.

I've taken a couple of courses recently - one of them was on the concept of happiness. The course looked at extensive research about what helps us to become happier people. Among other behaviours (which I look forward to writing about in other blogs!) giving has shown through various studies to be an action that promotes happiness and well-being - and it is the giving which makes the individual happy - rather than the other way around. We as humans appear to be hardwired to loving and giving - it is seen to be a natural trait we have. And while we all know that giving actually feels good - i.e. makes us feel happy - did you know it leads to other positive consequences as well? 

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Health and Well-being, Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn Health and Well-being, Mind Food Helen Duyvestyn

The Gut Microbiome

There is more and more evidence arising about how our gut bacteria not only is hugely influenced by what we eat, but more importantly - that our gut bacteria may be having huge influences on how we feel. Yes, that's right, whether we are happy, sad, anxious, depressed or otherwise 'not quite right'.

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Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Mind Food, Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

Mindful Eating

....A couple of clients I have seen in the last week, commented on their issues with eating. They (I didn't think) were particularly bad, but clearly they weren't happy with it. It mostly related to 'binging' occasionally on junk food.

Eating mindfully is part of the Mindfulness trend – and it's benefits are significant.

Mindful eating has helped people lose weight, make better food choices, enjoy their food more, eat less in general and also creates an awareness of what emotions might drive food eating behaviours

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Helen Duyvestyn Helen Duyvestyn

Helpful tips for those recovering from Depression

If you have ever suffered from depression – or even from a tough period in your life – coming out of it can feel like you are emerging from a mental fog. It can feel strangely unfamiliar finding your feet or indeed finding a new way in the world. Chances are you don't quite feel the same person that you used to be.

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Helen Duyvestyn Helen Duyvestyn

How to Meditate - Meditation 101

There is increasing evidence about how meditation – in all it’s various forms – can be good for our physical and mental health. It’s reported to reduce anxiety and stress, help lift depression, balance moods, improve eating habits, help cope with grief, assist with managing chronic pain and can even improve immune function

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Helen Duyvestyn Helen Duyvestyn

An Attitude of Gratitude

Having an attitude of gratitude has been shown in research to have significant positive health effects on mental health and wellbeing.  It's termed in different ways; finding the good, counting your blessings, seeing the silver lining.

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