About Helen & One Life
A Unique Approach to Mental Health
With a rich background in mainstream psychiatry, nutritional medicine, and life coaching, Helen offers a distinctive approach that goes beyond conventional medical treatments. Focusing on empowering individuals with knowledge and practical strategies, Helen addresses mental health from an integrative perspective, emphasizing the power of diet, nutrition, and lifestyle changes on mental & physical health. This approach is designed to help individuals understand the underlying factors affecting their mental well-being and equip them with the tools to navigate their journey towards recovery and resilience.
About Helen, Mental Health Nurse & Coach
I am a registered nurse with over 20 years of experience - fifteen of those in mental health (psychiatry) in Counties Manukau in South Auckland, New Zealand. I hold an Advanced Diploma in Nursing (Mental Health) and a Master in Health Science.
I am passionate about not only getting to the core of mental health issues but also preventing people from becoming unwell in the first place. I believe this can not be achieved with the conventional medical approach.
As mental health is multi-dimensional and the causes of poor mental well-being are multiple, I take a whole approach to mental and physical well-being. From trauma, nutritional deficiencies, lifestyle habits and physical health issues - all need to be addressed to achieve mental wellness.
I continue my love of learning with ongoing training with ACNEM (Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine). I am a member of AIMA (Australasian Integrative Medicine Association) and have recently completed a few more advanced papers in nursing at Auckland University.
How ‘One Life’ was born
In November 2013 I left my place of employment after 19 years of working as a nurse. I felt the medical model in treating psychiatric illness was inadequate - but no idea of how or what needed to be different.
I took a complete break from nursing and travelled for several months through Europe and Asia. After much soul-searching - I realised my heart was in nursing and in psychiatry - but that I desperately wanted to do things differently.
Listen to an interview with Helen on the VetThrive Podcast
Holistic Mental Health Coaching
On returning to New Zealand, I started up my own business in Wellness Education - with an emphasis on mental health/well-being. This transpired into completing a Life Coaching course and the beginnings of ‘One Life’.
Since then, I have worked in a holistic health clinic under clinical nutritionist Ben Warren (BePure), which has further enhanced my passion for treating the whole person - taking into account physical health, gut health and the importance of the mind-body connection.
“My understanding is that to be truly well, the mind, body and spirit all need to be engaged. The days of conventional medicine (a pill for every ill) no longer works and is an outdated model of care.”
Using a holistic approach to mental well-being - encompassing conventional, integrative & lifestyle medicine, I am passionate about helping people live their best life possible.
I’ve recently had the privilege to move to the beautiful coastal town of Ohope in the Bay of Plenty - a plan I have had for over 20 years (which is a wonderful reminder that some things take time!).
Helen Duyvestyn RcN, MHSc, PGCertHSc, PGDipHSc (MH nursing) & Life Coach.
Publications and presentations:
NZ Law AGM - Keynote Speaker - Think like a lawyer - or not. Building Resilience in Law.
Auckland District Health Board - Keynote Speaker, Mental Health Nursing Symposium - Nutrition and Mental Health
Smash Fit Papakura: Regular speaker on mental health, lifestyle interventions and building resilience
Counties Manukau Health: Journal Club Presentation to Psychiatrists. Mental Health and Nutrition - What’s the link?
The J Word Podcast - An interview with Jenna Brown about my work as a psychiatric nurse
Clear Head Podcast Podcast - The Role that Nutrition plays in mental health
VetThrive Podcast - Nutrition and Mental Wellness
Mental health & nutrition in dysphagia - Published in “Communication Matters”, Issue 55 - Autumn 2024
Nursing support for people with mild mental health needs - Published in Kai Tiaki, New Zealand Nursing Journal
An integrative approach to mental health - First published in Kai Tiaki New Zealand Nursing Journal
Broken Mental Health - published in ‘Shit you should care about’.
Five Ways to Well-being - Published in ‘Project Happiness’
It’s the small things - Published in ‘Project Happiness’