How to Embrace Change and Reach Your Potential
I think a lot of us at times feel that there is something more to us than we are currently experiencing – but feel overwhelmed and unsure of what it might be - so given the choice, we choose to do nothing. A while ago, I wrote about the changes I had to make to end up doing what I now do. I had left work due to 'burn out', and decided to take a year off. I had no idea what I was going to do, but felt that I really had to the potential to do something different. Better. More satisfying. However, after a few months I began to wonder whether to forget about my plan and instead return to the status quo. Although I felt that there was something 'better' out there for me I did not know what and I certainly had no idea what my ‘potential’ was. I was getting nervous and feeling a little unsure of what I was doing.
And then this poem was read out to me: