How the Gut and Mental Health are Related
What is the relationship between gut health and mental health?
How do we understand IBS?
How does the microbiome impact mental health?
IBS can be triggered by many different things, including poor digestion, dietary triggers or food sensitivities, lack of digestive enzymes, hypochlorhydria (low stomach acid), gut dysbiosis (an abnormal balance of bacteria, viruses or fungi in the gut), thyroid issues, stress, parasites…
Therefore the diagnosis of ‘IBS’ or undiagnosed gut issue require further investigation.
The Gut Microbiome
There is more and more evidence arising about how our gut bacteria not only is hugely influenced by what we eat, but more importantly - that our gut bacteria may be having huge influences on how we feel. Yes, that's right, whether we are happy, sad, anxious, depressed or otherwise 'not quite right'.