Top Ten Supplements for Mental Health
While our first approach to our mental health should come from lifestyle adjustments - focusing on our food, sleep and movement - we may also need extra support.
We may not want to take medication because we don’t feel our symptoms are bad enough, we’ve tried medication in the past and didn’t find it helpful or we simply want short-term support to help us get on top of things.
When Not to Meditate
Meditation is often promoted to be a cure all treatment for all sorts of issues; anxiety, depression, sleep problems, chronic pain etc etc. But there is a 'deeper' aspect to meditating which is often glossed over by the modern attitude for a quick fix. Sometimes meditating doesn't change a lot, but instead brings us deeper in touch with ourselves
It's not always in your head - how psychological distress may have nothing to with your mind.
I have had a number of clients who have come to me after feeling that they haven’t made much progress in long-term therapy.
They come to me to try a different approach.
They have worked through a lot of their psychological issues and may have made some progress - but they still feel there is something holding them back.
I’ve heard on several occasions of people who have had months or years of psychological input who - once they try a different approach - find their mood finally lifts. For example, a young male who had over 12 months of psychological therapy added some omega 3 into his regime and within a couple of weeks noticed that he felt less irritable, less aggressive and calmer.
Recovery from Depression
Depression is a subject I've been avoiding for a while; it is deeply complex and for those suffering, a deeply personal and seemingly insurmountable thing to deal with. It is fraught with both self induced guilt and also an air of 'there must be something wrong with me'. It is debilitating and soul destroying.
It is not a simple as a chemical imbalance, and certainly not a lack of 'Prozac, Nortriptyline, Sertraline or Citalopram'.
Helpful tips for those recovering from Depression
If you have ever suffered from depression – or even from a tough period in your life – coming out of it can feel like you are emerging from a mental fog. It can feel strangely unfamiliar finding your feet or indeed finding a new way in the world. Chances are you don't quite feel the same person that you used to be.