The Many Paths to Happiness

So for the last few weeks, I've been doing a few courses (all in the name of research of course). Two are on Happiness - (A Life of Happiness and Fulfilment and The Science of Happiness), and the other is on Resilience. (Through Coursera and Edx). All are excellent courses and highly recommended.

In all the courses they talk about how humans are naturally wired to seek the 'bad' or negative in circumstances - it's a life saving strategy (noise in the bush - better think it's a lion rather than a bird, rather being the other way around). However, clearly it doesn't always serve us well in the modern world

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Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn Health and Well-being Helen Duyvestyn

The Gift of Giving

Want to be a little happier? Start Giving.

I've taken a couple of courses recently - one of them was on the concept of happiness. The course looked at extensive research about what helps us to become happier people. Among other behaviours (which I look forward to writing about in other blogs!) giving has shown through various studies to be an action that promotes happiness and well-being - and it is the giving which makes the individual happy - rather than the other way around. We as humans appear to be hardwired to loving and giving - it is seen to be a natural trait we have. And while we all know that giving actually feels good - i.e. makes us feel happy - did you know it leads to other positive consequences as well? 

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